Matthew Lahm
Artist Bio
October 21, 2018
Matthew Lahm is a multi-media artist who resides in New Jersey. In 2011, he earned his Master of Fine Arts Degree with a concentraion in painting. He studied under the mentorship of Hugo Bastidas at New Jersey City University where he now works as an academic advisor for students in the Visual arts, Media Arts and Music, Dance and Theatre programs. He is best known for his work on the human body eliciting attention from critics like Dan Bischof of the Star Ledger who called him a “remarkable artist” in his review of a two-man show with fellow artist William Coronado in 2008 called “The Body Signifier.” He went on the co-curate an exhibition entitled Flesh Art with art historian Jose Rodeiro that featured the work of Joan Semmel and Ben Jones in 2011. 
Matthew is also a musician and writer. After completing his MFA he was compelled to document his work from other media. He produced and recorded two volumens of his own music published under the  pseudonym Matthew Ravens.  “Rain Dance”  was released in 2012 and "Coven's Waltz" in 2016. Since the release of the last volume, Matthew has been working on a fiction novel that he expects to complete in the next six months. He has also begun a new paiting series of surrealist work that he will begin exhibiting.